Plants that help control blood sugar

Plants that help control blood sugar


Sugar is a key substance for the function of various organs, such as muscles or the brain, as it is an important source of energy.

However, if its levels are not maintained within the specified ranges, hyperglycemia can be produced, indicating that blood sugar levels are high. This glucose comes from the food people eat, and insulin plays a crucial role in controlling it.

This hormone is responsible for transporting glucose to the cells to give them energy. However, when someone suffers from hyperglycemia, it may be because their body isn’t making enough insulin or isn’t using it properly.

The Medline Plus Medical Library advises that people with diabetes can develop hyperglycemia if they don’t eat the right foods or take their medications properly.. Other problems that can raise blood sugar include infections, certain medications, hormonal imbalances, or serious illnesses.

When a person has sugar problems, it is important, in addition to treatment, to maintain a healthy lifestyle in which the diet is balanced and physical activity is regular. In addition, you can resort to the intake of some plants that, thanks to their properties, help to keep sugar levels under control.

ginseng: an article published in the newspaper The Spanish points out that the glucose-reducing power of this plant is due to “its content of panaxans, which increase insulin secretion in the body and improve the response of cells”.

One of the ways to consume it is through infusion. A tablespoon of ginseng and a cup of water are used to make it. Put the water on the fire until it reaches boiling point and add the plant, let it boil for five minutes and then remove from the heat. It is left to rest, strained and can be drunk two or three times a day.

It is important to know that “Regular use of this product may cause side effects in certain individuals, such as anxiety, headaches or insomnia. In addition, pregnant women should not consume this tea without medical supervision,” according to the wellness and health portal Tua Saúde.

Green tea: Some of the compounds in green tea have been shown to stimulate glucose uptake in skeletal muscle cells, thereby lowering blood sugar levels.

The Healthline portal cites a review of 17 studies involving 1,133 people with and without diabetes that found drinking this tea significantly reduced fasting blood sugar levels and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), a marker of long-term blood sugar control. Reviews recommend drinking three to four cups of green tea a day to reap the benefits listed above.

Chamomile: Although this plant is known for its digestive properties, it is also known for its potential to lower blood sugar. The Better with Health portal cites research published in the journal Nutrition, which determined the benefits of chamomile for glycemic control and the prevention of complications in diabetics.

Its benefits are related to its rich content of antioxidant compounds that also protect the body from the effects of free radicals, harmful substances that attack cells and tissues.

Salvia: This plant has hypoglycemic effects, so it helps lower blood sugar, controls diabetes, and can even regulate sugar in prediabetes, says Tua Saúde. It can be prepared as an infusion by adding two tablespoons of dried leaves to a cup of boiling water. Then it is left to rest for 10 minutes, strained and ready to eat. The recommendation is to consume it twice a day.


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